hvac troubleshooting

HVAC Troubleshooting Tips

With winter quickly approaching, making sure your HVAC systems are working as they should is crucial. Having your heater malfunction in the middle of a frigid winter can be a disaster. 

Thankfully, we’ve outlined a number of tips and tricks that can easily be put into an HVAC troubleshooting guide for reference on the most common HVAC problems.

No power

You might find that your furnace or air conditioner isn’t turning on and isn’t getting any power. Like with many other common HVAC problems, the solution is fairly simple, though the different causes can make it a more complex issue.

One cause could be the system’s circuit breaker tripping due to a power surge. All you need to do is find the system’s circuit breaker and reset the power. Other potential causes could be a chewed-on and damaged power cord, a blown fuse, or a faulty motor, all of which need to be fixed by a professional.

Loud sounds

Loud bangs and clangs are one of the most common problems with air conditioners, typically caused by the system’s fan. In many cases, the fan could simply be dirty, and any trapped dust or debris can form clumps that hit the metal of the fan and the sides. Simply cleaning it can be one of the quickest solutions. However, the fan may also be damaged and need a replacement.

Smells and stenches 

A far more serious (but easy to understand) HVAC troubleshooting problem is detecting terrible smells coming from your air conditioner or furnace. This could be caused by either burnt wiring in the electrical components or mold.

Tips on HVAC troubleshooting

Some common HVAC problems can be relatively simple to resolve and can be dealt with easily. Here are some tips for troubleshooting.

Check the system’s wiring

Keep an eye on the system’s wiring. It’s a good idea to conduct regular checks roughly once every two months or so, looking to see that power cords and any external wiring are in good condition, as bugs and small rodents can gnaw away at them and cause damage over time.

Turn the AC off when it’s not needed

During the summer, you’re more than likely keeping your air conditioner on for extended periods of time. While this may not cause immediate damage to the system and its units, having your thermostat set to too low of a temperature can cause some unit components to freeze up and reduce its cooling efficiency.

To prevent this from happening, simply turn your AC off every once in a while and use another way to cool off.


Some issues can be easily fixed at home if found quickly enough with HVAC troubleshooting. However, more serious problems will require professional intervention. In those situations, call Smart Air for help. Our dependable technicians are dedicated to ensuring that your home stays comfortable.
